Selected Publications

“Faculty as Catalysts for Training New Inventors: Differential Outcomes for Male and Female PhD Students,” with Fiona Murray, 2023, PNAS, 120 (36),

Trade in Intellectual Property-Intensive Goods,” with Margaret Kyle, 2022, in A. Taubman & J. Watal (eds.), Trade in Knowledge: Intellectual Property, Trade and Development in a Transformed Global Economy, 431–452, Cambridge University Press. 

Mapping the Regions, Organizations and Individuals that Drive Inclusion in the Innovation Economy,” with Fiona Murray, 2022, in Josh Lerner and Scott Stern (eds.), Entrepreneurship, Innovation Policy, and the Economy, Volume 1, National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc.

The Supply Chain Economy: New Policies to Drive Innovation and Jobs,” with Karen Mills, 2021, Economía Industrial (421): Innovación y Transformación Económica, 71–78. 

The Supply Chain Economy: A New Industry Categorization for Understanding Innovation in Services,” with Karen Mills, 2020, Research Policy 49(8). ♦ Here: Data with Supply Chain vs. Business-to-Consumer Industry Categorization.

“The Servicification of the U.S. Economy: The Role of Startups versus Incumbent Firms,” with J. Daniel Kim, and Karen G. Mills, 2022, in A. Chatterji, J. Lerner, S. Stern, and M.J. Andrews (eds.), The Role of Innovation and Entrepreneurship in Economic Growth. University Chicago Press (available as NBER Working Paper).

Pushing Regional Studies beyond its Borders,” 2020, with John Harrison, Ben Derudder, Isabelle Anguelovski, Sergio Montero, David Bailey and Lisa De Propris, Regional Studies 54 (1), 129–139.  

The Co-location of Innovation and Production in Clusters,” 2020, Industry and Innovation 27(8), 842–870.

The Supply Chain Economy and The Future of Good Jobs in America,” with Karen Mills, 2018,

The Principle of Relatedness,” with César A. Hidalgo et al. 2018, in: Morales, A., Gershenson, C., Braha, D., Minai, A., Bar-Yam, Y. (eds.) Unifying Themes in Complex Systems IX. ICCS 2018. Springer Proceedings in Complexity. 

Spatial Organization of Firms and Location Choices through the Value Chain,” with Juan Alcacer, 2016, Management Science 62 (11), 3213–3234. Best Paper Award at DRUID 2013 Conference.

Firms in Context: Internal and External Drivers of Success,” 2018, in G.L. Clark, M. Feldman, M. Gertler, and D. Wójcikfor  (eds.) The New Oxford Handbook of Economic Geography. 

Defining Clusters of Related Industries,” with Michael E. Porter and Scott Stern, 2016, Journal of Economic Geography 16 (1), 1–38. ♦ Here: Supplementary Data and Stata Codes for the Clustering Algorithm

Clusters and Regional Performance: Implications for Inner Cities,” with Kim Zeuli, 2016, Economic Development Quarterly 30 (2), 117–136.

Clusters, Convergence, and Economic Performance,” with Michael E. Porter and Scott Stern, 2014, Research Policy 43 (10), 1785–1799 (also available as NBER WP 18250).

Intellectual Property Protection and the Geography of Trade,” with Margaret Kyle and Anita M. McGahan, 2013, Journal of Industrial Economics 61 (3), 733–762.

Clusters and Entrepreneurship,” with Michael E. Porter and Scott Stern, 2010, Journal of Economic Geography 10 (4), 495–518.

“Deep Roots or Current Policies – What Drives Sustained Prosperity Differences across Locations?” with Christian Ketels, Michael E. Porter, and Scott Stern, 2014, at

Executive Opinion Survey: Capturing the Voice of the Business Community,” with Ciara Browne, Richard Bryden, and Thierry Geiger, in World Economic Forum (ed.), 2008, The Global Competitiveness Report 2008–2009. 

Working Papers

“The Role of Location on the Inventor Gender Gap,” with Luca Gius, 2021, AoM Working Paper.

“Location, Natural Disasters, and Firm Resilience: The Case of ICT at Christchurch,” with Pavel Castka and Fiona Murray, 2019.

Clusters and the Great Recession,” with Michael E. Porter, 2018. Best Paper Nomination at DRUID 2015 Conference.

The Determinants of National Competitiveness,” with Christian Ketels, Michael E. Porter, and Scott Stern, 2012 (available as NBER WP 18249).